Global Electricity

Modified on Tue, 17 Nov 2020 at 09:40 AM




Kazang is happy to announce that all our vendors can now buy and sell global electricity from their Kazang device or through the Kazang App! 

Lightning boltLook for the new Global Electricity icon on the home screen and start sending electricity today! 

Lightning boltOur current offering includes Malawi, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Mozambique electricity, but keep a look out for more countries to be added soon, such as Nigeria, Zambia and more. 

Lightning boltcustomer may enter your shop and ask to buy electricity for Malawi for exampleMake sure to enter their Malawian meter number. The customer must then send the PIN on the slip to their loved one in Malawi who must enter it on their meter, it is not an instant top-up. 

                                                                             HOW TO VEND

Step 1 – From the Kazang home screen select ‘Global Airtime’ 

Step 2 – Choose the country you would like to send electricity to. 

Step 3 – Select ‘Buy Electricity’

Step 4 – Fill in the meter number and choose the amount you would like to send

Step 5 – Check that your details are correct then select ‘Confirm’

Step 6 – The purchase has been successful. Present the customer with their receipt. The customer must ensure the recipient receives the PIN



Step 1 - To test if Kazang can vend for your chosen meter number select ‘Test Meter’

Step 2 - Fill in the customers’ meter number

Step 3 - Success! Kazang can vend for this meter number. If you receive a different message it means you cannot vend for that meter number or the number was entered incorrectly


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